public interface



Class Overview

Interface of the event listener of the native advertising upload


Nested classes

abstract class NativeAd The class object with native advertising data
enum Action Enumeration of the act types in case of data unavailability

Public Methods

void onLoadAd(List ads, String provider) Called when the native data for advertising is successfully loaded
Action onFailLoadAd(String error, String provider) Called when the data downloading error occurs for the native advertising from the current provider in line
void onFailLoadAdAllProviders() Called when unable to receive the data for native advertising from all the providers
boolean onShouldSkipRTBProviders() Called to check the need for admission for RTB provider in line

Public Methods

void onLoadAd(List<NativeAd> ads, String provider)

Called when the native data for advertising is successfully loaded


ad Object with the native advertising data
provider Provider name

Action onFailLoadAd(String error, String provider)

Called when the data downloading error occurs for the native advertising from the current provider in line


error Error text
provider Provider name


enum Action - action if the current provider in line cannot provide the data

void onFailLoadAdAllProviders()

Called when unable to obtain data for the native advertising from all the providers

boolean onShouldSkipRTBProviders()

Called to check the need for admission for RTB provider in line


Must return true if it is needed to skip RTB providers in line, false - if no need to skip